Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/586

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[ Chap. XLVI.

from the fact of their picking up their food after scattering it first with their bills and claws (Skr. kira, to scatter)]. The flesh of a bird of this group is light, cooling, sweet and astringent in taste and tends to pacify the deranged humours of the body.

The flesh of the Lava is light, has a sweet and astringent taste, is pungent of digestion, and possessed of astringent and appetising properties. It is highly efficacious in diseases due to the concerted humours of the body. The flesh of the Tittirs is slightly heavy, heat-making and sweet in taste. It is spermatopoietic, appetising and astringent. It improves the intellect and complexion, and subdues the three deranged humours. The flesh of the yellow (Gaura) Tittiri proves curative in hic-cough and dyspnoea, and subdues the deranged Vayu. The flesh of the Kapinjala is light and cooling, and proves curative in cases of haemoptysis, and is recommended in diseases brought about through the deranged condition of the Kapham or Vayu (Manda-vata). The flesh of the Krakara or of the Upachakra is light, pleasant (palatable), spermatopoietic, and appetising. It subdues the Vayu and Pittam and improves the intellect. The flesh of the Mayura is astringent and saline in taste, and is beneficial to the skin, helps the growth of hair, improves the voice.