Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/610

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[ Chap. XLVI.

heavy of digestion, generates the Kapham, and is sweet in taste and cooling in its potency.

Fruits such the Karira, Akshaka Pilu and Trinashunya have a sweet, bitter and pungent taste, and are heat-making in their potency. They subdue the Vayu and Kapham. Of these the Pilu has a bitter and astringent taste. It generates the Pittam, acts as purgative, is pungent in digestion, keen, heat-making and oily. It subdues the Vayu and Kapham. The Arushkara and Tauvaraka fruits have an astringent taste, are pungent in digestion, heat-making in their potency and prove curative in cases of worms in the intestines, fever, constipation of the bowels (Anaha) and Meha. Fruits such as, the Karanja, Kinshuka, and Arishtaphalam (Nimva) are vermifugenous and pungent in digestion, and prove curative in , cases of Leprosy, Gulma (internal tumour). Ascites, Piles and Prameha. The Vidanga fruit produces a state of dryness in the body, is heat-making in its potency, light, and pungent in digestion, subdues the Vayu and Kapham and is slightly bitter and anti-toxic. The Abhaya (Chebulic Myrobalans) proves curative in cases of ulcers, is heat-making (in its potency), and acts as a purgative, tends to reduce corpulency and subdues the deranged humours. It is appetising and invigorating to the eye-sight, has an acid and astringent taste, and proves curative in oedema and