Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/611

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cutaneous affections. The Aksham fruit is possessed of purgative properties, is light (of digestion), and produces a state of dryness in the organism. It is heat-making in its potency, produces hoarseness (Aphonia), is a vermifuge and is beneficial to the sight, has an astringent taste, is sweet in digestion and subdues the Pittam and Kapham. The Puga fruit subdues the Pittam and Kapham, produces a state of dryness in the organism, cleanses the mouth of all secretions and impurities, has a slightly sweet and astringent taste, and is possessed of laxative properties. The fruits and vegetables such as the Jatikosha, the Jati Phalam, the Kataka Phalam the Kakkolakam, Lavanga and the Karpura etc., have a bitter pungent taste, subdue thirst and Kapham, are light in digestion, and remove bad odours from the mouth and cleanse it of all impurities. The Karpura has a slightly bitter taste, is aromatic, cooling in its potency, and light in digestion. It is possessed of liquefacient properties and is specially recommended in dryness of the mouth and fetid breath. The Lata-Kasturika is similar in its virtue to the Karpura and is cooling and both laxative and diuretic. The pith of the Piyala fruit has a sweet taste, is spermatopoietic and subdues the Vayu and Pittam. The pith (the kernel found inside the seeds) of the Vaibhitaki fruit is intoxicating and subdues the deranged Vayu and Pittam. The pith or the kernel of the Kola fruit has an astringent sweet