Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/618

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[ Chap. XLVI.

conditions can also be attributed to its flowers, leaves and fruits respectively Mulaka flowers subdue the Pittam and Kapham, while their fruit subdues the Vayu and Kapham. Rasona is demulcent, heat-making, sharp, pungent, slimy, heavy and laxative. It has a palatable taste and is tonic, spermatopoietic, and tends to improve the voice, intellect and complexion and to bring about an adhesion of fractured bones. It alleviates heart-disease, indigestion, fever, Vivandha, Kukshi-Shula, Gulma, a non-relish for food, cough, asthma, piles, Kushtha, dulness of appetite, swelling (Shopha), worms and diseases due to the Vayu and Kapham. Palandu is not excessively heat-making in its potency, has a pungent taste, is heavy, tonic and appetising. It slightly generates the Pittam and Kapham. It subdues the Vayu.

The species, known as the Kshira-Palandu, is demulcent, cooling in its potency, and relishing, imparts a steadiness to the fundamental principles of the body, is tonic, promotes the growth of flesh, improves the intellect and increases the Kapham. It is palatable, heavy, slimy and proves beneficial in cases of haemoptysis. The potherbs called Kalaya subdue the Pittam and Kapham, generate Vayu, are heavy and sweet in digestion, and leave an astringent after- taste in the mouth.

The leaves of plants and trees known as the