Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/619

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Chuchchu, Juthika, Taruni, Jivanti, Vimvitika, Nandi, Bhallataka, Chagalantri, Vrikshadani, Phanji, Shalmali, Shelu, Vanashpati-prasava, Shana, Karvudara and Kovidara etc., have an astringent, sweet and bitter taste, and prove curative in haemoptysis. They subdue the Kapham, generate the Vayu and are astringent in their action and light of digestion (easily digestible). Of these, the Chuchchu is light of digestion, and acts as a vermifuge. It is slimy, proves beneficial to ulcers, is sweet and astringent in taste and action. It tends to subdue the action of the three deranged humours (Tridosha). The Jivanti herb is beneficial to the eyes and subdues all kinds of deranged humours. The leaves of the Vrikshadani plant subdue the Vayu. Phanji leaves are slightly tonic. The leaves of trees or plants belonging to the Kshira-Vriksha or to the Utpala group are cooling in their potency, astringent in their taste and action, and prove beneficial in dysentery, (intestinal haemorrhage) and haemoptysis.

The leaves of the Punarnava, Varuna, Tarkari, Uruvuka (white castor), Vatsadani, and Vilva etc., are heat-making in their, potency, and have a sweet and bitter taste and pacify the deranged Vayu. Of these, the Punarnava are specially possessed of the virtue of removing oedema (Shopha).

The potherbs, such as the Tanduliyaka, Upodika,