Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/652

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[ Chap. XLVI.

enters into the composition (of our daily food), a physician should prescribe a course of diet for his patient after carefully considering the nature of the food stuffs and the properties they acquire through combination and seasoning, as well as the natural longings of a person for a certain kind of food during the preponderance of certain deranged humours of the body.

Anupanam or After- Potions:—Now we shall discourse on drinks and potions which are found to be beneficial when taken after a certain kind of food (Anupanas.)

Certain people oppressed with an acid taste naturally long for sweets, while others in full satiety of sweet articles have a relish for acid things. Hence something acid is good for the eater of sweets, and sweets are good for men who have partaken of an acid food.

Cold water and warm water, Asava (wine), Madya (spirits), the soup of Mudga pulse etc., the juice of acid fruits, sour paddy gruel, milk and essence of meat are generally used as drinks after a full meal. Of these, that alone which would prove beneficial to a person should be given him in an adequate quantity. The intelligent physician should determine the kind of after-drink (potion) required in each case after taking into consideration the nature of the disease under treatment, the season of the year, and the properties of the solid or liquid substances that enter into the composition of the