Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/670

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[ Chap. XLVI.

vomit the contents of his stomach with the help of warm water saturated with salt, while in a case of chymous indigestion the patient should forego all food till he is restored to his natural condition. A patient suffering from indigestion whose system has been cleansed and lightened with the abovesaid appliances should go fasting till he is restored to his natural condition as regards the strength and humours of the body.

The eating together of both wholesome and unwhole-some articles of food is called promiscuous eating (Samashanam). Over or insufficient eating at intervals and at improper seasons goes by the denomination of irregular eating (Vishamashanam). Eating before a former meal is thoroughly digested in the stomach is called Adhyashanam. These three kinds of eating are injurious, and speedily give rise to a variety of diseases, or may be ultimately Attended with fatal consequences. The drinking of cold water helps the speedy digestion of a partially digested food, which has already been attended with a reactionary acidity, inasmuch as the coldness of the imbibed water tends to subdue the deranged Pittam, and the food thus moistened by the water naturally gravitates into the intestines.

The man, who complains of a burning sensation in the stomach, throat or heart, shall find relief by licking a paste made of honey and powdered Haritaki, or of