Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/671

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pulverised Haritaki and Draksha. The man, who, though strong and effulgent with the glow of health, apprehen an attack of indigestion in the ivorning, :'iv partake of a wholesome mid-day meal after taken powdered Abhaya and Shunti. Appeti^L. be experienced even in a state of indigestion, v.h chyle or food matter, accumulated in the stoni< pressed upon by the deranged humours, is confineti ► corner of the viscus without obstructing the passage c heat of the local fire. This vicarious appetite kills its duped victims with the swiftness of a poison.

Specific properties of matter:-Now we shall deal with the actions of several properties of matter, and from them should be inferred the nature of the properties which are inherent in various kinds of matter.

Coldness — is pleasurable, exercises styptic virtues, alleviates epileptic fits, thirst and a burning sensation of the body, and arrests perspiration. Heat is the reverse in its action to coldness. It greatly helps to set in the process of suppuration in boils and abscesses. Oleaginousness imparts a gloss or oiliness, and acts as an emollient tonic, and cosmetic. Parchedness is the opposite of oleaginousness ; it produces stypsis and makes a thing rough to tactual perception. Sliminess is vitalising, tonic, heavy as regards digestion, and tends to produce Kapham, and brings about the adhesion