Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 2.djvu/78

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nose, ears and eyes follow. A croaking sound is heard in the intestines, attended with a rumbling in the abdomen. All relish for food vanishes and the region of the heart seems to be smeared with a kind of sticky paste (of mucous), etc. 13.

Auhoritativc verse on the subject:— A qualified physician should undertake the medical treatment of haemorrhoids which occur either about the outer or the middle groove of the rectum, (in as much as they prove amenable to medicine). A polypus, appearing about the innermost ring or groove of the rectum, should be treated without holding out any definite hope of cure to the patient. 14.

Lingarsas (Fig warts or condylomatous growths about the genitals): —The deranged and aggravated Vayu etc., finding lodgment in the genitals, vitiate the local flesh and blood, giving rise to an itching sensation in the affected localities. The parts become ulcerated (through constant scratching) and the ulcers become studded with sprout-like vegetations of flesh(warts),which exude a kind of slimy, bloody discharge. These growths, or excrescences generally appear on the inner margin, or on the surface of the glans penis, in the form of soft, slender vegetations of skin, resembling the hairs of a small brush (Kurchaka). These vegetations ultimately tend to destroy the penis and the reproductive faculty of the patient.

Bhagarsas:—The deranged Vayu etc. of the body, lodged in the vaginal region of a woman, gives rise to similar crops of soft polypi in the passage. They may crop up isolated at the outset, and (by coalescing) may assume the shape of a mushroom, or an umbrella, secreting a flow of slimy, foul-smelling blood. The deranged Vayu, etc. may further take an