Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 2.djvu/79

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chap. II.]

upward course, and finding a lodgment In the ears, nose, mouth and eyes may produce similar warts in those localities. Warts, which crop up inside the cavities of the ears, may bring on earache, dumbness, and afoul discharge from those organs, while those (cysts) cropping up in the eyes will obstruct the movement of the eye-lids, giving rise to pain and a local secretion and ultimately destroy the eye-sight. Similarly, such growths in the nostrils produce catarrh, excessive sneezing, shortness of breath, headache, nasal speech and the complaint known as putinasya. Such vegetations cropping up in and about the lips, palate or the larynx, tend to make the speech confused and indistinct. When appearing in the mouth, they impair the faculty of taste, and diseases which affect the cavity of the mouth follow. The excited Vyana Vayu, united with the aggravated Kapham, produces a kind of hard papillomatous growths on the skin (about the anus) which are called the Charmakilas (papillomata).*[1] 15.

Authoritative verses on the subject:—These Charmakilas may be attended with a kind of pricking pain through an excess of the deranged Vayu, whereas those which have their origin in the deranged Kapham (lymphatics) assume a knotty shape and become of the same colour as the surrounding skin. On the other hand, they become dry, black or white, and extremely hard through an exuberance of the deranged local blood and pittam. 16.

The symptoms of polypi, appearing in the neighbourhood of the anus, have been described in full, while the general characteristics of those, which are found to crop up around the genitals, have been briefly discoursed

  1. *According to others, Charmakilas may crop up on the skin of any part of the body.