Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 2.djvu/80

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upon. An intelligent physician should ponder over the two groups of symptoms while engaged in treating a case of piles. A case of piles exhibiting symptoms peculiar to the two deranged Doshas is called the Samsargajam. Six distinct types of bio-Doshaja piles arc known in practice.*[1] 17.

Prognosis:—A case of piles due to the concerted action of the three deranged Doshas of the body, (with its characteristic symptoms) but partially developed, may be temporarily checked (Yapya). Cases, which are of more than a year's standing, as well as those in which the haemorrhoids are due to the concerted action of the two Doshas (Samsargaja), or are situated in the middle groove of the rectum, may be cured but with the greatest difficulty. Cases of the Sannipatika or congenital (Sahaja) types . should be given up as incurable. The Apana Vayu, in a person whose rectum is overrun with such polypus growths, tries to pass out through the anus, but is driven back upward, being obstructed in its passage by the vegetations, and then mixes with his Vyana Vayu, thus imparing (the five-functioned) fire (Pittam) in his body. 18-19.

Thus ends the second Chapter of the Nidanasthanam in the Susruta Samhita which deals with the Nidanam of piles.

  1. *Such as (i) the one due to the concerted action of the deranged Pittam and Kapham, (2) the one incidental to the simultaneous derangement of the Vayu and the Kapham, (3) the one brought about through the disordered condition of the Vayu and blood, (4) the one due to the combination of the deranged Pittam and Kapham, (5) the one produced by the concerted action of the deranged Pittam and blood, (6) the one which results from the combined action of the deranged Kapham and blood.