Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/164

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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the therapeutics of the diseases of the head (Śiro-roga-Pratishedha). 1.

Treatment of Vataja-Śiroroga: —— Remedial measures described in connection with the treatment of Váta-Vyádhi should be employed in their entirety in the Váyu-origined types of the diseases of the head, and all medicinal compounds of oil or clarified butter should be followed by a potion of milk. Mudga, Kulattha, or Másha pulse, unmixed with any other thing, as well as pungent and heat-making articles, saturated with clarified butter and followed by potions of tepid milk should be taken in the night. Sesamum oil or the paste of sesamum may also be taken. Milk duly boiled with the Váyu-subduing drugs should be employed in a lukewarm state in washing the diseased locality, and a plaster composed of the powders of the same drugs boiled with milk should be applied lukewarm to the scalp. In the alternative, the scalp may be plastered over with the boiled flesh of fish or with Kriśará (preparation of rice and sesamum) saturated with Saindhava salt, or with (the paste of) Chandana, Utpala, Kushtha and Pippali, finely powdered together (all in a lukewarm state). 2-3.

Oil duly prepared with Kulira (crabs) should be used for Nasya (snuffing) purposes subsequent to the employment of the (above) fomentation. A quantity of milk diluted with the addition of half as much of water should be duly boiled with the paste of the drugs of the Varunádi group and taken down from the fire when the water has evaporated. Butter should be skimmed out