Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/165

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Chap, XXVI.]

of it when cool and clarified butter prepared therefrom should be again duly cooked with the paste of the drugs of the Madhura group. The use of this Ghrita as a Nasya (snuff) is highly efficacious in the type under discussion. Clarified butter duly cooked with the decoction of the preceding drugs (of the Varunádi group) and with milk should be taken with sugar. Snaihika Dhuma (Chikitsá, XL.) should be administered in time when required, and Traivrita Ghrita and Balá Taila should be prescribed as a draught and as an errhine, as well as for the purposes of anointing, sprinkling and Vasti-Karma. The food in the present type of the disease should be taken with milk cooked with Váyu-subduing drugs and with meat-soup saturated with Sneha (clarified butter). 4-5.

Treatment of Pittaja and Raktaja Śiro-roga: — Cooling plasters saturated with clarified butter should be applied to the scalp and cooling head-washes should be prescribed in the Pittaja and Raktaja types of Śiro-roga. Milk, the expressed juice of sugarcane, fermented rice-gruel (Dhányámla), curd-cream (Mastu), honey and sugar mixed in water — these should be used for sprinkling purposes. Plaster for the head should be prepared with Nala, Vetasa, Kahlára (red lotus), Chandana, Utpala, Śamkha (conch-shell), Śaivála, Yashti-madhu, Musta and lotus taken together and mixed with clarified butter, and the plasters described in connection with the treatment of Pittaja and Raktaja Visarpa (Erysipelas) should also be used. The drugs of the Madhura group should be used in a tepid state as plasters and the Sneha (oil or clarified butter) duly cooked with the same drugs should be used as an errhine, and appropriate medicines should be used as purgatives as well as in Ásthápana and Sneha-Vasti measures,