Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/198

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[Chap. XXXVIII.]

hot milk and rubbed with clarified butter. It should then be restored to its proper place and, being pasted with Veśavára, should be duly bandaged 13 — 14.

Diet. — Surá, Ásava, Arishta, (wines of medicinal drugs) should be prescribed according to the Dosha involved in each case and the patient should be made to take the expressed juice of garlic (Lashuna) every morning and her diet should consist mainly of milk, meat-soup, etc. 15.

We have already described the nature of the medical treatment and the remedial agents to be respectively pursued in and prescribed for diseases of the semen, menstrual complaints, affections of the mammae, impotency, cases of false presentation of child and diseases during the period of pregnancy and motherhood, and all those may be employed with equal benefit in these diseases peculiar to the female sex. Other diseases (such as fever etc.) which may arise from immature delivery should be treated in the manner described in the respective treatment of those diseases in the Uttara Tantra. 16,

Thus ends the thirty-eighth chapter of the Uttara Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the therapeutics of the female organ of generation.

Here ends the Kaumárabhritya Tantra.