Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/199

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CHAPTER XXXIX. Now we shall discourse on the (symptoms and) medical treatment of Fever (Jwara-Pratishedha). 1.

The Divine Dhanvantari, who in his first incarna- tion arose out of the primordial Ocean with a pitcher of ambrosia on his head, (when it was churned by the gods and the demons) and who conferred immortality on Indra and his brother celestials, was thus interro- gated by his disciples, Suśruta and others. "You have instructed us, O, you, the foremost of physicians, the subject on all the concomitant distressing symptoms (Upadrava) of Ulcer/Vrana). Now let us have a general outline and detailed description of the concomitant dis^ tressing symptoms, physiological and patholo^jical condi- tions e. g. fever, dysentery, cough, etc. showing in an ulcer- patient. An ulcer attended with many a concomitant symptom Upadrava) may be cured only with the greatest difficulty and such concomitant symptoms appearing in an emaciated and weak ulcer-patient, take time to be subdued because of the loss of his Doshas and Dhdtus. Hence illumine us fully, O sir, on those diseases afifecting the whole body (and not localised in any particular limb or organ) observed by the holy sages of yore, and instruct us the nature and application of the therapeutic agents to be employed in their cure". 2.

Description of Jwara:— To the query of the* disciples, the divine physician, Dhanvantari replied as follows : — "First I shall discourse on the nature and origin of fever for it is the king of all bodily distempers 23