Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/219

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Chap. XXXIX.]

boiled rice) to a patient suffering from fever marked by burning sensation, vomiting, thirst and weakness. Yavágu is not beneficial in summer as a diet in a case of Kapha-pittaja fever or in a case of Rakta-pitta (Hemoptysis ?) or in the case of a habitual drunkard. Such a case should be treated with the soup of any pulse or of the meat of Jángala animal with or without any acid juice. 61 — 62.

Prepared barley mixed with any old wine would prove beneficial in cases of (fever accompained by) a dullness of appetite. Takra (butter-milk or whey) mixed with the powdered Tri-katu should be given in case of disrelish for food due to the action of the deranged Kapha. 63-A.

Milk as a diet:— Milk may be given with advantage in a case of chronic or lingering fever marked by the scanty presence of the deranged bodily Dosha in the system, by emaciation of the frame and by mental depression as well as in a case of Váta-pittaja fever accompained by dryness of the organism and non-emission or otherwise of the deranged bodily Doshas as well as in a case of fever marked by thirst or burning sensation. But milk taken in a case of fever in its acute stage is highly injurious. 63.

A spare and light diet for a weak person should be observed in all cases of fever, when its intensity abates, as, otherwise by a heavy diet, it is aggravated. A proper and wholesome diet should be given in a case of fever even if the patient would show a positive aversion to it since the want of food at the proper time or when the system craves for it, is sure to be followed by the waste of the body, and may bring about death in the end. A food which is heavy of digestion (Guru), or secreting ( Kapha-producing) in its effect should by no means