Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/220

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[Chap. XXXIX.

be taken nor should food be taken at an improper time, since such a food which is not beneficial, is neither conducive to longevity nor to happiness (in a case of fever). 64 — 66.

A light diet (such as milk or essence of meat) may be given in copious quantity and with advantage to a patient emaciated through a long and protracted attack of Satataka or Vishama fever. The soup of such pulses as Mudga, Masura, Chanaka (gram), Kulattha and Makushtaka, etc. may be given with benefit as diet to the hungry patient suffering from fever. 67. A

Meat-diet: — The meat of Láva, Kapinjala, Ena, Prishata, Śarabha, Kála-puchchha, Kuranga, Mriga-mátriká (different kinds of deer) or S'aśa (hare) may be prescribed as diet for a fever-patient accustomed to the use of animal food *[1]. Several authorities, however, †[2] do not recommend the use of the meat of Sárasa, Krouncha, Mayura (peacock), Kukkuta (cock) and of Tittira in cases of fever, owing to its heaviness (as regards digestion), as well as to its heat-making potency. (We, too, subscribe to this opinion with a certain limitation) The use of the flesh of these animals may, however, be recommended in a case of fever in moderate quantitiy and at proper time provided the fever is marked by a preponderance of the deranged bodily Váyu. 67.

Prohibitions in fever:— A fever-patient should forego baths, washing ( Parisheka), plunge-bath (Avagáha. D. R. Pradeha — plaster), anointments, emulsive potions, day-sleep, physical exercise, sexual inter-course and any cold articles or any emetic or purgative

  1. * According to Charaka, the meat-soup, in cases of fever, may be given with or without the addition of an acid juice (e.g. Dádima, A'mlaki, etc )
  2. † Charaka also holds the same opinion as Sus'ruta.