Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/234

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[Chap. XXXIX.

by worshipping Bráhmans, cows, the god Iśána, and Ambiká. 132 — 133.

The body of the patient overwhelmed with coldness (shivering) in cases of fever due to the action of the aggravated Kapha or Váyu, should be plastered with a paste of the drugs of the heat-making group *[1] and heating measures should then be resorted to. In the alternative, a compound of Áranála, Śukta, cow's urine and Mastu (curd-cream) made lukewarm should be sprinkled over the body. Plasters of the leaves of Surasa, Arjaka and Śigru pasted together with water would prove beneficial. The body may be rubbed with Kshára-taila (oil cooked with alkali) mixed with Śukta. A decoction of the drugs of the Áragvadhádi group proves highly efficacious particularly in the present case, and decoction of Váyu-subduing drugs should be used tepid as a bath. The shivering having been thus relieved with the foregoing measures and by the sprinkling of tepid water over the body, the languid body of the patient should be smeared with pasted Káláguru and wrapped up in a silk, woolen or linnen cover and then the patient should be made to lie in a bed. 134.- A.

Damsels young, beautiful and skilled in the sport of love, with faces glowing like the full moon of autumn and darting forth beams of love from their languid blue-lotus-like eyes, with eye-brows moving in the ardour of desire and with dreary foreheads throbbing with the gentle pulsations of love, with girdles sliding down from their slender waists, with their splendid buttocks naturally making them lazy in their steps, with their lips vying with the ripe Vimba fruit in their luscious

  1. * Dallana explains the Ushna-varga (heat-making group) to mean the Bhadra-dárvádi, Surasádi and the Eládi groups.