Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/248

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[Chap. XL.

Vatsaka-seeds (Indra-yava), Saindhava and Katu-rohini; or of (18) Hingu, Vatsaka-seeds (Indra-yava), Vacha and dried green Vilva; or of (19) Nágara, Ativishá, Mustá, the two kinds oi Pippali and Vatsaka-seeds (Indra-yava); or of (20) Mahaushadha, Prati-vishá and Mustá, — these are the Twenty different recipes of the remedies which are digestive (of the mucous accumulations) in cases of Áma-Atisára and should be administered (in the shape of powder) with Dhányámla (Kánjika), tepid water or wine, or their decoctions in luke-warm state should be used. This is a detailed list of the best remedies in cases of Áma-Atisára. 20.

A compound of Haritaki, Ativishá, Hingu, Sauvarchala and Vachá should be taken with tepid water in cases of Áma-Atisáras. Similarly a compound of Patola, Yamáni, Viśva, Vachá,Pippali, Nágara, Musta, Vidanga, and Kushtha, or that of Śunthi and Guduchi should be taken with tepid water. 21-23.

The five following compounds separately composed (1) of all kinds of officinal salt, Pippali, Vidanga and Haritaki; or of (2) Chitraka, Śimśapá, Páthá, Śárugashtá, and all kinds of officinal salt; or of (3) Hingu, Vrikshaka-seeds (Indra-yava) and all kinds of officinal salt taken in equal parts; or (4) of Nága-danti and Pippali, weighing two Tolás; or (5) of Vachá and Guduchi-stems, would be found beneficial, if taken with tepid water. Twenty Musta, should be boiled in a quantity of milk and thrice as much water. The milk which is left back after all the water is evaporated by boiling, should be used for the relief of the griping (Śula) due to the accumulation of mucus (Áma) in the intestines. 24-25.

Clarified butter mixed with Saindhava-salt and Yava-kshára should be given to a patient of weak