Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/249

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Chap. XL.]

digestive power in a case in which the Váyu has not been restored to its normal condition in spite of the subsidence of the intestinal Śula (griping) and which is marked by scanty (but repeated) motions passed with pain. The Ghrita duly cooked with Nágara, Chângeri and Kola (Vadara) and with milk*[1], curd (Dadhi) and Amla (Kánjika), or simply the transparent part of clarified butter should be taken as a relief for Atisára attended with Śula (pain). In the alternative, clarified butter mixed with (an equal quantity of) oil and duly cooked with curd, together with a paste of Trikatu, Játi (flower) and Chitraka, or with that of Pippali-mula, Vilva, Dádima-bark and Kushtha should be given. All these are the remedies to be employed in a type of Atisára due to the action !of Váta or of Śleshmá; and all the foregoing remedies with the exception of those of keen and heat-making potency, may be used in the Pittaja type of the disease. 26 — 27.

Fasting as already advised should be first observed and it should be broken with gruels (Yavágu) duly cooked with the two kinds Valá, or with Amśs-mati, or Śvadamshtrá and Vrihati, or Śatávari made cold and mixed with honey. The soup (Yusha) of Mudga duly cooked with the drugs of appetising virtue, or with mild and bitter drugs of appetising property would cure (the Dosha in) the acute stage (Ámá-dosha) of the stool. Decoctions of Haridrá, Ativishá, Páthá, Vatsa-seeds (Indra-yava) and Rasánjana; or of Rasánjana, the two kinds of Haridrá and Kutaja-seeds (Indra-yava); or of Páthá, Guduchi, Bhu-nimba and Katu-rohini would

  1. * We have tha recipe of this Ghrita in Charaka Samhitá also. But there we find Kshárá in place of Kshira and that appears to be the better reading. See Chapter XIX,— under Chángeri Ghrita, Charaka Samhitá