Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/329

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Chap. XLVII.]

slender waists should lie there with him in their firm embrace. These damsels should refresh him with their secret charms in that lonely chamber and by means of their bodily coolness would be able to alleviate the burning sensation of aggravated Pitta due to over-drinking. 37.

These are the measures in general which should be employed also in the cases of burning sensation due to the aggravated condition of blood, Pitta and thirst. Now hear me discourse on the measures which are to be specifically employed in the case of a burning sensation in the body under different circumstances. 38 A.

Symptoms of Raktaja Dáha:— The blood coursing through the whole body when aggravated by any cause, whatsoever becomes heated and imparts a copper colour to the skin, complexion and the eye-balls of the patient. It produces a bloody smell in the mouth and the body, and the patient feels a burning and contracting sensation as if he is surrounded by fire. 38.

Treatment: — Fasting should be prescribed at the outset in such a case and then the diet should be regulated conformably to the nature and intensity of the deranged bodily Dosha involved therein. If such burning sensation (in the body) be still unrelieved, the patient should be treated with a diet largely composed of the soup of Jángala flesh and venesection in the extremeties should then be resorted to duly in conformity with the rules (prescribed in Chapter VIII — Śárira Sthána). Cases of burning sensation due to the aggravation of Pitta would produce the symptoms of Pittaja fever and remedies for Pittaja fever should in such cases be resorted to. 39.

Symptoms and treatment of Dáha due to thirst: — The watery part is dried up in