Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/330

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[Chap. XLVII

the event of an unslaked thirst, thus generating a heat in the organism. This produces an extreme dryness of the lip, throat and palate and a burning sensation (Dáha) both in the skin and inside the organism of the patient followed by the coming out of the tongue and the trembling of the whole body. The medical treatment under such circumstances consists in alleviating the heat and adding to the watery component of the body. A large draught of cold water or cooled milk saturated with a copious quantity of sugar, or of the expressed juice of sugar-cane or of Mantha should be given to the patient to his satiety under the circumstances. 40-41.

An intense burning sensation in the body is caused by the presence of accumulated blood in the abdomen (Koshtha), the symptoms and therapeutics of which are those mentioned in the chapter on Sadyo-vrana (Chap. II — Chikitsita-Sthána) A burning sensation of the body incidental to the waste (Kshaya) of any of its fundamental organic principles (Dhátus) brings on thirst, fainting fits, feebleness of voice, suspension of physical and mental faculties or functions, weakness and lassitude in its train which should be remedied with measures laid down under Rakta-pitta. Emulsive and Váyu-subduing remedies are likewise applicable therein. 42-43.

A severe internal burning sensation in the body may also be produced by (the aggravation of) blood due to (the breach of the rules of) diet and to grief of any kind. The symptoms in such cases are thirst, fainting fits and delirium. The remedy should consist in giving the patient the wished-for objects, and the diet under the circumstances should largely consist of milk and meat-essence to be partaken of in company with friends in the manner described before. A burning sensation in the body incidental to a hurt or to a blow on any of