Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/331

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Chap. XLVII.]

its vulnerable or tender parts (Marma) is the seventh of its kind and should be deemed as incurable. All kinds of burning sensation in the body with a coolness of its surface are incurable. Emetics and purgatives should be exhibited according to the Dosha involved even after the subsidence of the supervening symptoms of excess in wine. 44-46.

Wine mixed with half its quantity of water and scented with Jiraka, Sauvarchala, Árdraka and Śunthi becomes palatable and immediately allays thirst. Wine, taken with meal and with cooked meat by a person besmeared with sandal paste and wearing wet clothes and garlands of flowers, does not produce any of its bad after-effects nor brings on intoxication which in its turn would throw the mind and mental faculties off their balance. 47-48.

Thus ends the forty-seventh chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the (symptoms and) medical treatment of alcoholism.