Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/366

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[Chap. LIII.

of articulation. This type should be deemed as incurable. 3 — 6.

Symptoms of Kshayaja and Medoja types:— In the shayaja type the voice emits vapour and, becoming lower and lower, it ultimately disappears. This stage of Svara-bheda (loss of voice) should be given up as incurable. In an attack of the Medoja type the patient speaks very indistinctly, the voice remaining, as it were, inside his throat. And his throat, lips and palate become sticky. 7-8.

Prognosis: — Svara-bheda in cases of weak, old, emaciated, or fatty patient, as well as a long-standing, congenital or Tri-Doshaja one should be regarded as incurable. 9.

General Treatment:—The body of the patient should be first rubbed with a Sneha (clarified butter, lit. — treated with emulsive measures) and the deranged bodily Dosha underlying the root of the attack should be curbed with the help of emetics, purgatives, Vasti, errhines, Avapida-Nasya, lambatives, smoke-inhalations or gargles. Measures and remedies previously mentioned in connection with the treatment of cough and asthma should be as well employed in their entirety in the present disease. Now hear me describe the medicinal remedies which arc specifically beneficial to a patient afflicted with an attack of Svarabheda. 10.

Treatment of Vátaja Type:-In the Vátaja type of the disease, the patient should take, after a full meal, clarified butter mixed with the expressed -juice of Kása-marda, Vártáku and Márkava with Ártagala (Arjua). In the alternative, Ghrita prepared from goat's milk and duly cooked with Yava-Kshára and Ajamodá or with Chitraka and Ámalaka, or with