Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/367

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Chap. LIII]

Deva-dáru and Agni (Chitraka) should be taken with honey. The diet of the patient in such a case should consist of boiled rice taken with treacle and clarified butter, followed by draughts of tepid water. 11.

Pittaja and Kaphaja types:— Clarified butter should be constantly used with milk in the Pittaja type of the disease. Páyasa *[1] duly prepared with the admixture of Yashti-madhu and clarified butter, should also be taken. Lambatives composed of the powdered drugs of the Madhura (Kákolyádi) group saturated with honey and clarified butter, or of powders of Śatávari or of Valá should be similarly taken. Powders of pungent drugs should be taken with a copious quantity of cow's urine or licked with oil and honey in a case of the Kaphaja type of Svara-bheda. 12 — 13.

Medoja, Kshayaja, etc., Types:— The medical treatment in the case of the Medoja type of Svarabheda should be the same as in the Kaphaja type. The medical treatment of the Tri-Doshaja and Kshayaja types of the disease should be taken in hand without holding out any hope of recovery. Milk †[2] duly cooked with the drugs of the Madhura group should be taken in combination with sugar and honey in a case due to the effects of loud speaking. 14 — 15.

Thus ends the fifty-third chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of hoarseness.

  1. * Páyasa is a special preparation of rice boiled with milk and sugar
  2. † Milk of a cow or of a she-buffalo, etc., may be used here. — Dallana.