Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/392

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[Chap. LVIII

person doing the same and also obstructs the orifice of that organ causing retention of urine with an oppressive pain in the bladder and loins. The disease is known as Váta-vasti and is extremely hard to cure. 5.

Mutrátita:— The urine of a person voluntarily suppressing it does not flow out at all or only dribbles out in drops or in scanty jets with slight pain, when he strains. The disease is called Mutrátita. 6.

Mutra-Jathara:— The vital Apána Váyu is deranged and aggravated by the Udávarta produced by a checked desire for urination and completely fills up and distends, with an excruciating pain in the abdomen below the umbilicus. The disease is called Mutra-jathara and the lower orifices* [1] (viz. the anus and the urethra) are obstructed in this disease. 7.

Mutrotsanga:— The disease in which the stream of urine gliding along the bladder and urethra is gradually emitted in scanty jets or runs down the exterior surface of the glan penis with blood, whether with or without pain, is called Mutrotsanga (lit. gliding urination) and is an outcome of the deranged and aggravated action of the bodily Váyu. 8.

Mutra-kshaya and Mutra-granthi:—The deranged and aggravated Pitta and Váyu in the bladder of an extremely fatigued person already suffering from an extreme parchedness of organism, finds lodgement in the bladder producing, in concert, a sensation of local burning and pain attended with a scanty accumulation of urine in the cavity of the organ (lit. absence of micturition). The disease which can be made to yeild only to the virtue of therapeutic agents

  1. * Some read " " the lower part viz., the neck of the bladder is obstructed.