Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/393

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Chap. LVIII.]

with the greatest difficulty is called Mutra-kshaya. A small round painful fixed Granthi suddenly occurring on the interior side (of the orifice) of the bladder and exhibiting by its characteristic pain, etc., all the symptoms of the presence of gravels (urinary calculii) in that organ, and which stands completely obstructing its orifice without letting out a single drop of urine, or admits only of its being dribbled out in scanty jets, is called Mutra-granthi. 9-10.

Mutra-Śukra and Ushna-váta:— A person visiting a woman in the presence of a strong urging towards urination and by voluntarily repressing the same is found to pass urine highly charged with semen which is sometimes seen to precede or follow the discharge of urine. The urine in this case resembles the washing or solution of ashes in colour. The disease is called Mutra-śukra (lit. semen-charged urine). The disease in which the Pitta of a person deranged by such factors as over-fatiguing physical exercise, exposure to the sun, or arduous pedestrian journey, gets into his bladder completely wrapped in the deranged Váyu of his body, and produces an intense burning sensation in his bladder, penis and the anus, setting up a painful flow of a dark yellow or blood-streaked urine or of blood alone through the urethra in its stead, is designated as Ushna-Váta. 11-12.

Two kinds of Mutraukasáda:— A non-slimy and thick flow of yellow-coloured urine attended with a burning sensation, and leaving a sediment like powdered Rochaná when dried, is called (Pittaja) Mutraukasáda. The wise ascribe the origin of this disease to the action of the deranged Pitta. The type in which a pale sediment resembling the powders of conch-shell is deposited when the urine is dried and