Page:Sydney City Incorporation Act 1842.pdf/5

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preceding the first day of October in every year and shall deliver a copy of each of such lists to any person requiring the same on payment of a sum not exceeding one shilling for each copy.

Alderman and Assessors to revise lists retain insert and expunge names.17. And be it enacted That an Alderman and two Assessors to be chosen as hereinafter mentioned in every year by the citizens of every ward shall respectively hold an open Court within such ward for the purpose of revising the said Citizen Lists such revisions to take place at, such time as the said Alderman and Assessors shall appoint between the first day of October inclusive and the fifteenth day of October inclusive in each and every succeeding year they having first given three clear days' notice of the holding of such Court such notice to be placed on the outer doors respectively of some public and conspicuous building within the said ward and the Town Clerk or person acting as such shall at the opening of the Court produce the said lists and a copy of the lists of the persons so claiming and of the persons so objected to made out in manner aforesaid and the Collectors of Rates under this Act shall attend the Court and shall answer upon oath all such questions as the Court may put to them or any of them touching any matter necessary for revising the Citizen Lists and the said Alderman shall insert in such lists the name of every person who shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Court to be entitled to be inserted therein according to the provisions of this Act and shall retain on the said lists the names of all persons to whom no objection shall have been duly made and shall also retain on the said lists the names of every person who shall have been objected to by any person unless the party so objecting shall appear himself or by some one on his behalf in support of such objection and when the name of any person inserted in either of the said lists shall have been duly objected to and the person objecting shall appear by himself or by some one on his behalf in support, of such objection the Court shall require proof of the qualification of' the person so objected to and in case the qualification of such person shall not be proved to the satisfaction of the Court the said Alderman shall expunge the name of every such person from the said lists and shall also expunge therefrom the name of every person who shall be proved to the Court to be dead or to have been disqualified or incapacitated and shall correct any mistake or supply any omission which capacitated and shall correct any mistake or supply any omission which shall be proved to the Court to have been made in any of the said lists in respect of the name or place of abode of any person who shall be included therein or in respect of the local description of his property Provided always that no person's name shall be inserted by the said Alderman in any such lists or shall be expunged therefrom except in the ease of death unless notice shall have been given as is hereinbefore required in each of the said cases.

Power to Alderman of adjourning any Court.18. And be it enacted That every Alderman holding any Court, under this Aet for the revision of the said lists shall have power to adjourn the same from time to time provided that no such adjourned Court shall be held beyond the said fifteenth day of October and the said Alderman shall have power to require any person having the custody of any book containing any rate made for the said City during that or the preceding year to produce the said book and allow the same to be inspected at any Court to be held for the revision of the Citizen Lists and the said Alderman shall have power to administer an oath or oaths as well to the Town Clerk and to the Collectors as to all persons claiming to be inserted in or making objection to the omission or insertion of any name in any of the said lists and to all persons objected to in any such lists and to all persons claiming to have any mistake in any of such lists corrected and to all witnesses who may be tendered or examined on either side by which oath the person under examination shall be required to state the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth relating to the matter in
