Page:Sydney City Incorporation Act 1842.pdf/6

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hand and the said Alderman and Assessors by the decision of the three or any two of them shall upon the hearing in open Court determine upon the validity of such claims and objections and the said Alderman shall in open Court write his initials against the names struck out or inserted and against any part of the said lists in which any mistakes shall have been corrected and shall sign his name to every page of the several lists so settled.

Affirmation may be substituted for oath.19. And be it enacted That every person authorized by law to make an affirmation instead of taking an oath shall mako such affirmation in every case in which by this Act an oath is required to be taken and if any person taking any oath required by this Act or making any affirmation instead of taking such oath shall wilfully swear or affirm falsely such person shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly.

Revised lists to be kept by the Town Clerk.20. And be it enacted That the Citizen Lists of each ward so revised and signed as last aforesaid shall be delivered by the said Alderman to the Town Clerk who shall keep the same and shall cause each of the said Citizen Lists to be fairly and truly copied into an alphabetical list in books to be by him provided for that purpose the Citizen List of each ward being kept separate with every name therein numbered beginning the numbers from the first name and them in a regular series to the last name and shall cause such books to be completed on or before the twenty-second day of October in every year and shall deliver such books together with the lists at the expiration of his office to the person succeeding him in such office and every such book in which the said Citizen Lists shall have been copied shall be the Citizen Roll of the Citizens of the several wards of the City entitled to vote after the passing of this Act in the choice of the Councillors Assessors and Auditors of the said City as hereinafter mentioned at any election which may take place in the said City between the first day of November inclusive in the year wherein such Citizen List shall have been made and the first day of November in the succeeding year.

Copies of the Citizen Roll to be written or printed for distribution.21. And be it enacted That the Town Clerk shall cause copies of the Citizen Roll in every year to be written or printed and shall deliver one copy of each list to the Alderman of each ward and further copies to all persons applying for the same on payment of a reasonable price for each copy and the amount received for such copies and for copies of the Collectors' Lists and of the lists of claims and objections as aforesaid shall be paid over to the Treasurer of the said City and shall be applied by him in aid of the City Fund hereinafter mentioned.

Expenses of Collectors and Town Clerk to be defrayed.22. And be it enacted That the Council hereinafter mentioned shall take an account of the reasonable expenses incurred by the Collectors and Town Clerk in carrying into effect the several provisions of this Act so far as relates to the said lists and the revision and publication thereof and shall order their Treasurer to pay the same out of the said City Fund.

Councillors Alderman and Mayor to be elected hereinafter mentioned.23. And be it enacted That in every year at the times and in the manner hereinafter mentioned there shall be elected the number hereinafter mentioned of fit and proper persons who shall be called the Councillors of the said City and the number hereinafter mentioned of fit and proper persons who shall be called the Aldermen of the said City and one fit and proper person who shall be called the Mayor of the said City and such Mayor Aldermen and Councillors for the time being shall be and be called the Council of the said City.

Every citizen enrolled on the Citizen Roll shall be entitled to vote and none other.24. And be it enacted That every citizen who shall be enrolled on the Citizen Roll for the time being shall be entitled to vote in the election of Councillors Auditors and Assessors hereinafter mentioned and no person who shall not be enrolled in such Citizen Roll for the
