Page:T.S.R. Subramanian vs Union of India.pdf/11

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Ombudsman. The Chairperson of the Ombudsman will be a retired official of proven honesty and integrity. The other two members can be on part-time basis from among serving officers. In all such premature transfers the Ombudsman shall send a report to the Governor of the State, who shall cause it to be laid in an Annual Report before the State Legislature. The Ombudsman may also pay damages to the officer so transferred to compensate him for dislocation and mental agony caused due to such transfer. We are conscious that we are recommending a statutory barrier to frequent transfer of senior officials but the matter has come to such a pass that it requires a statutory remedy. We also clarify that the Chief Minister as the highest political executive has the final powers to order transfer of an officer before his tenure is over.

5.10 We are also of the opinion that postings of all Group 'B' officers must be done by the Head of the Department in a State and the same tenure rule shall be given a statutory backing. We were advised by some witnesses that only the Chief Minister's orders for transfer should be taken in case of Group 'A' officers / officers of All India Services and no Minister of a State should have any powers to order a transfer or approve a proposal for transfer of any official either of any State Service or of the All India Service. We agree with the view, as in our opinion owing to reasons of political expediency or even due to unwholesome reasons, Ministers in States often are not able to make proper use of the power vested in them for transfer of their departmental officers. If a Minister has cogent reasons to ask for transfer of an official before he completes his tenure, he will move the Civil Services Board to be set up under the new Civil Services Act and the Civil Services Board, with