Page:T.S.R. Subramanian vs Union of India.pdf/12

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its views on report of inquiry by a designated officer, shall submit the case to the Chief Minister for final orders. Thus in a State Government, a Minister's proposal for transfer of any officer of Group 'A'/Group 'B' will be formally decided by the Chief Minister of the State.

5.11 In our opinion, Civil Services Boards must be set up in all States on similar lines as at the Centre. The Central Act should have a provision to enable the States to adopt the law and make it applicable in the States, without going through the long process of drafting a new law and getting it passed in the Legislature. The Civil Services Board in a State - chaired by the Chief Secretary and comprising senior officers - shall perform the functions relating to transfer, empanelment, promotion, and deputation of officers performed by the Establishment Board of Government of India/Special Committee of Secretaries of Government of India, both of which are chaired by the Cabinet Secretary. Under Article 309 of the Constitution, Parliament may also enact a Civil Services Act setting up a Civil Services Board for the Union Government which will perform the functions being performed at present by the Establishment Board presided over by the Cabinet Secretary. The Civil Services Act may also provide for a Special Committee of Secretaries to prepare panel of names for appointment for posts of Additional Secretaries and Secretaries to Government of India. Under the new Civil Services Act, a Cabinet Minister/Minister of State with independent charge in Government of India may be given a time limit to accept/send back proposals for the Establishment Board regarding posting of officers with his observations. In any particular case, if the Establishment Board after giving the