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6.—All annual subscriptions will be payable in advance on the 1st January of each year.

7.—On or about the 21st March in each year the Treasurer will give notice to members whose subscriptions may remain unpaid, and a further delay of three months in paying a subscription after notice thus served, may be regarded as resignation of membership.

8.—The operation of this rule may in any particular case be suspended by a vote of the Council.

9.—All members will be elected by the Council. Honorary and Corresponding members will be first proposed at a meeting of the Council and be elected at the Council meeting next ensuing.


10.—The officers of the Society shall be—

A President,
A Senior and Junior Vice-President,
Five Councillors,
A Corresponding Secretary.
A Recording Secretary, and
A Treasurer,

to be chosen at the Annual Meeting in each year,

11.—Vacancies in the above offices shall be filled for the current year by vote of the remaining officers, but in case of the death or resignation of the President, his functions shall be discharged by the Senior Vice-President until the next Annual Meeting.


12.—The Council of the Society shall be composed of the officers for the current year, and its duties shall be—

a. To administer the affairs and property of the Society;
b. To elect members into the Society;
c. To decide on the eligibility of papers to be read before General Meetings;
d. To select papers for publication in, and to supervise the printing and distribution of, the Society’s Journal;
e. To select and purchase books, specimens, &c., for the Library and Museum.
f. To receive donations on behalf of the Society;
g. To present to the Annual Meeting, at the expiration of their term of office, a Report of the proceedings and condition of the Society.

13.—The Council shall meet for the transaction of business once a month, or oftener if necessary. At Council Meetings five officers shall constitute a quorum.

14.—The Council shall have authority to make and enforce such bye-laws and regulations for the proper conduct of the Society’s affairs as may from time to time be expedient, subject to confirmation by a General Meeting.

15.—The Recording Secretary shall have power to sanction the expenditure of the Society’s funds to the amount of