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twenty-five dollars, reporting the same to the Council meeting next ensuing, but no larger sum shall be disbursed by the Treasurer without the sanction of a vote of the Council.


16.—The Annual Meeting shall be held in July of each year.

17.—General Meetings shall be held, when practicable, once in every month, and oftener if expedient, at such date and hour as the Council may appoint.

18.—At Meetings of the Society eleven members, shall form a quorum for the transaction of business.

19.—At the Annual Meeting the Council shall present a Report for the preceding year, the Treasurer shall render an account of the financial condition of the Society, and the Meeting shall elect Officers for the ensning year.

20.—The work of General Meetings shall be the transaction of routine business (when a quorum is present); reading of papers approved by the Council; discussion thereon, and conversation on topics connected with the general objects of the Society.

21.—Notice of any business connected with the affairs of the Society, intended to be introduced for discussion by a member of the Society, shall be handed to the Secretary a week before the Meeting.

22.—Visitors may be admitted to the General Meetings by members of the Society, but shall not be allowed to address the Meeting except by invitation or permission of the Chairman, or to vote or take part in the business of the Society.

23.—At all Meetings, the President, or, in his absence, the Senior Officer of the Council present, shall take the Chair, and in case of an equality of votes shall be entitled to a casting vote in addition to his own.


24.—A Journal shall be published, when practicable, every year under the supervision of the Council. It shall comprise a selection of the papers read before the Society, the Report of the Council and Treasurer, and such other matter as the Council may deem it expedient to publish.

25.—Every member of the Society shall be entitled to one copy of the Journal. The Council shall have power to present copies to other Societies and to distinguished individuals, and to sell the remaining copies at such prices as the Council shall from time to time direct.

26.—Ten copies of each paper published in the Journal shall be placed at the disposal of the author.

27.—The Council shall have power to publish in a separate form, papers or documents laid before the Society, if in their opinion practicable and expedient.


28.—Occasional Popular Lectures upon literary or scientific subjects may be delivered, under the sanction of the Council,