Page:Tag (1909).djvu/95

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doomed to see her best loved sentenced to death.

Upon reaching a colossal store Patty and Bateese descended and entered under the escort of Mr. Burns, leaving the others to the watchful eye of the cabman, who had previously been put wise as to their destination. Under the belief that fine raiment might have a softening influence upon the irate parent’s heart, Patty purchased an outfit which would have done no discredit to a Fifth Avenue mansion, and was somewhat dampened in spirit by her husband’s expression when he surveyed the glory and fingered his depleted purse.

They were soon at the end of their journey and entered the awesome precincts, Bateese and his boule dog the only members of the party entirely at ease. The Frenchman had not yet arrived and they were ushered into an anteroom, where some conversation