Page:Tag (1909).djvu/96

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took place between Pat, Mr. Burns, and a stout policeman, at the conclusion of which the last mentioned remarked.

“There seems no doubt the boy was nabbed, but why under the shining canopy a bridal couple should want to cart around a strange kid—”

The officer’s fat face wrinkled jovially as he beamed encouragement upon Pat. Pat was silent. He had made up his mind he would not tell that insane cream puff story again except under dire stress of circumstances. Some papers were produced and the party proceeded to a desk to sign them. No one noticed the children had quietly slipped out of the room, with Bateese’s pet in close attendance. They were now standing by the outer door, Josephine shaking poor Bateese savagely.

“You must run, Bateese. They’re goin’