Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 1.djvu/130

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kingship and I also desire to abide here and worship God with thee in this desert.’ When she found this earnestness in him, she consented to his wishes and said, ‘O king, I will consent unto thee in that which thou desirest and will be to thee a wife, but on condition that thou bring me Dadbin the king and his Vizier Kardan and his chamberlain[1] and that they be present in thine assembly, so I may speak a word with them in thy presence, to the intent that thou mayest redouble in affection for me.’ Quoth Kisra, ‘And what is thine occasion unto this?’ So she related to him her story from first to last, how she was the wife of Dadbin the king and how the latter’s vizier had miscalled her honour.

When King Kisra heard this, he redoubled in love-liking for her and affection and said to her, ‘Do what thou wilt.’ So he let bring a litter and carrying her therein to his dwelling-place, married her and entreated her with the utmost honour. Then he sent a great army to King Dadbin and fetching him and his vizier and the chamberlain, caused bring them before him, unknowing what he purposed with them. Moreover, he caused set up for Arwa a pavilion in the courtyard of his palace and she entered therein and let down the curtain before herself. When the servants had set their seats and they had seated themselves, Arwa raised a corner of the curtain and said, ‘O Kardan, rise to thy feet, for it befitteth not that thou sit in the like of this assembly, before this mighty King Kisra.’ When the vizier heard these words, his heart

  1. i.e. the eunuch who had dissuaded Dadbin from putting her to death.