Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/249

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of the flambeaux, and about her were other three women, than whom there were no fairer on the face of the earth. They saluted Tuhfeh and she rose to them and kissed the earth before them; whereupon they embraced her and sat down on the chairs aforesaid.

Now the four women who thus accosted Tuhfeh were the princess Kemeriyeh, daughter of King Es Shisban, and her sisters; and Kemeriyeh loved Tuhfeh with an exceeding love. So, when she came up to her, she fell to kissing and embracing her, and Iblis said, ‘Fair befall you! Take me between you.’ At this Tuhfeh laughed and Kemeriyeh said, ‘O my sister, I love thee and doubtless hearts have their evidences,[1] for, since I saw thee, I have loved thee.’ ‘By Allah,’ replied Tuhfeh, ‘hearts have deeps,[2] and thou, by Allah, art dear to me and I am thy handmaid.’ Kemeriyeh thanked her for this and said to her, ‘These are the wives of the kings of the Jinn: salute them. This is Queen Jemreh,[3] that is Queen Wekhimeh and this other is Queen Sherareh, and they come not but for thee.’ So Tuhfeh rose to her feet and kissed their hands, and the three queens kissed her and welcomed her and entreated her with the utmost honour.

Then they brought trays and tables and amongst the rest a platter of red gold, inlaid with pearls and jewels; its margents were of gold and emerald, and thereon were graven the following verses:

  1. Lit. witnesses (shawahid).
  2. Lit. seas (behar).
  3. Afterwards called Zelzeleh; see post, p. 245 et seq.