Page:Tamil proverbs.pdf/398

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  1. (continuation from previous page)
    “When the goddess of prosperity finds that her favours are not appreciated, she introduces her elder sister, the goddess of adversity, to the sluggard, and then takes her departure.”
    The goddess of fortune, whose presence is a guarantee for happiness and prosperity, is said to dwell in the face of a horse of superior caste,-with the wise and good,-in all fragrant flowers,-in the tree of paradise that bestows whatever it’s votaries may desire,-in the beauty of a good and obedient wife,-in the ocean,-in the portal of a house when a marriage is being celebrated,-in a well governed country,-in grain,-in brilliant lamps and flaming torches,-in the words of the great,-with truth-speaking men,-in the arrows of Cupid,-and in vessels of milk.
    The goddess of misfortune is said to have her habitation with the glutton,-the irascible,-with liars and other abandoned characters,-with those clothed in rags,—with vicious women,-in a flock of sheep, and in the face of the dead.

  2. நடந்தால் நாடு எல்லாம் உறவு, படுத்தால் பாயும் பகை.
    The whole country is friendly to one who is active, his own mat is at enmity with the sluggard.

  3. நடபடி உண்டானால் மிதியடி பொன்னாலே.
    If allowance for a journey is provided, gold sandals will be used.

  4. நடவுக்குத் தெளி நாலத்தொன்று.
    The yield of rice is a fourth part of that planted.

  5. நடு உழவிலே நந்தை தெறித்ததுபோல.
    Like the snapping of the yoke tie when the plough has done half its work.

  6. நடு ஊரில் நச்சுமரம் பழுத்து என்ன?
    Of what use is the ripening of the fruit of a poisonous tree in the middle of a village?

  7. நடுக்கடற் போனாலும் மறுப்படாமல் வரக்கடவீர்.
    Though you go to the middle of the sea, return uninjured.

  8. நடுத்தெருப் பிச்சைக்கு நாணயம் பார்க்கலாமா?
    Can one retain self-respect who receives alms in the middle of the road?