Page:Telugu-English Dictionary.djvu/70

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human species. ఈతకాయ itakaya, A canoe formed from the trunk of the palmyra tree. 2. A long gourd, dried, used in swimming. ఈతగొట్టు itagottu, To swim.

ఈతగాడు, ఈతడు, ఈతను itagadu, ltadu, itanu, pro. He, this man, used Jionoiifically ; it is the proximate of అతగాడు atagadu, q. v.

ఈదర idara, s. The east wind.

ఈదు idu, v. n. To swim. ఈదులాడు iduladu, To swim. s. The date tree. ఈదులాట idulata, Swimming, spor^ng in water,

ఈనపుడక inapuclaka,5. A blade of Jong grass, of which brooms are made.

ఈను inu, v. a. To produce, as flejds of grain. 2. To bring forth young, applied to animals only, not to the hnman species. ఈనికయావు inikayavu, A cow about to calve.

ఈనె ine, s. The fibre of a leaf.

ఈపి ipi, s. A nit.

ఈపె ipe, pro. Fern. Demonstrative She; applied to superiors only; it is the proximate of ఆపె ape, q. v.

ఈబిడ, ఈబిడె ibida, ibicle, pro. She, this woman ; it is the proximate of ఆబిడ abida, q. v-

ఈమిరి imiri, s Wet, moist.

ఈమె iriie, ;?ro, vide ఈపె ipe.

ఈయన lyana, ^ro. He, this man ; the masc. Honorific demonstra- tive, proximate of ఆయన ayana, q. v.

ఈయప, ఈయమ iyapa, lyama, pro. She. this woman; the fern. Honori- fic demonstrative, proximate of ఆయమ ayama, q v.

ఈరము iramu, s. A bush.

ఈరాఱు irarru, a J;'. Numeral Twelve.

ఈరికలు irikalu, s. _pfo. Pieces, bits. remnants,slices. 2. Sprouts, shoots,

ఈరు iru, 5. A nit. 2. Flesh, meat, a/y. Two 2. Low, mean, ^m Yon. ఈరుపెన, ఈర్పెన irupena, irpena, A comb for extracting nits or lice ఈరెలుగు irehigu, A Jow voice. ఈర్చు irtsn, To comb out nits.

ఈరుబారు irubaru, adv. Freely, at liberty.

ఈరతారలు irataralui s. plu. More or less.

ఈల lia, .5. Whistling. ఈలవేయు ilaveyn, To whistle.

ఈలకఱచు llakarratsu, v. n. vide. ఇలకఱచు ilakarratsu.

ఈలా, ఈలాగు, ఈలాగున ila, ilagu, ilaguna, adv. Thus, so, in this man- ner ; the proximate of ఆలా ala, &C. £. v.

ఈలుగు ilugu, v. n. To die, to lose life.