Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/217

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Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwer, his attack on Tennyson in "The New Timon," 100; his amende honorable, 117 note.

"Mabinogion," The, 128; quoted, 129-34.
Macready, William Charles, Tennyson's Sonnet to, 56, 103.
Mann, R. J., his vindication of "Maud," 123; Tennyson's letter to him, ib.
Martial, motto from, 3.
Martin, Theodore, 98 note.
"Maud," 122-24.
Maurice, F. D., 25 note; Dedication of his "Theological Essays" to Tennyson, 124, 125 note; Tennyson's lines to, 154 note.
"Merlin," pseudonym adopted by Tennyson in his "Examiner" poems, 112.
Millais, J. E., his illustration to "The Grandmother's Apology," 136.
Milnes, Richard Monckton, 31, 32 note; his tribute to the memory of Arthur Hallam, 45.
Mitford, Mary Russell, her story of "Dora Cresswell," 85.

Napoleon, 16.
Napoleon III., 112.
"New Timon," The, 100, 101.
Newton, Sir Isaac, 37 note.
North, Christopher, 37.
Norton, Hon. Mrs., 104.

Ossoli. See Fuller, Margaret.

Palgrave, Francis Turner, his Tour in Portugal with Tennyson, 166.
Peele, George, his "Araynment of Paris," quoted, 149.
Pindar, 155.
Plato, his "Phædo," quoted, 148.
Poe, Edgar Allan, on Tennyson, 96.
"Poems by Two Brothers," 3-21, 35; quoted, 137 note; quotations in, 3, 144.
Powell, Thomas, on "The Lover's Tale," 47.
"Princess," The, quoted, 38, 56; alterations in the text of, 105-9.
Princess Royal, marriage of, 116.
"Punch," Tennyson's contributions to, 101.

Richards, Alfred Bate, Tennyson's letter to him, 116.
Robinson, Henry Crabb, his Diary, quoted, 104.
Rogers, Samuel, a dinner at his house, 104.
Ruskin, John, subscribes to the Eyre Defence Fund, 120; on Woolner's and Brodie's two busts of Tennyson, 158.

"School of Pantagruel," The, quoted, 99, 100.
Sellwood, Emily, becomes the wife of Alfred Tennyson, 102.
Shakespeare, quoted, 42 note; his Sonnets examined in connexion with "In Memoriam," 53-72; his "Troilus and Cressida," quoted, 87; an expression in his "Twelfth Night," 91; his allusion to King Cophetua in "Romeo and Juliet," 92; his revision of "Hamlet," 105; his plots, 128; passage from his "King John," 147, 152.
Shiplake Church, 102.
Simeon, Sir John, Tennyson's poem in memory of, 185.
Simonides, a fragment of, quoted, 150.
Somersby, the birthplace of Alfred Tennyson, 1.