Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/218

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Southey, Robert, his copy of Tennyson's "Poems, chiefly Lyrical," 51; death of, 99; his turncoat servility, 111.
Spedding, James, Tennyson's lines to, on the death of his brother, 42, 43 note, 51.
Spurzheim, 16.
Stephen, St., 16, 17.
Sterling, John, 25 note; his review of Tennyson in the "Quarterly," 95.
Swinburne, A. C., on Tennyson's Stanzas in "The Tribute," 79 note; his hatred of Napoleon III., 112.

Taylor, Bayard, his visit to Tennyson at Farringford, 163.
Taylor, Tom, his Life of Haydon, quoted, 110 note.
Tennyson, Alfred, birth, 1; parentage and descent, 2; at the Louth grammar-school, 3; removes to Trinity College, 22; his college associates, 31, 32 note; residence at Twickenham, 102; his marriage, ib.; appointed Poet Laureate, 110; his residence at Farringford, 163, &c. &c.
Tennyson, Charles, birth, 1; note; at the Louth grammar-school, 3; his Poems, 35; becomes Vicar of Grasby, and assnmes the name of Turner, 36; his poems in "The Tribute," 79 note.
Tennyson, Dr. George Clayton, 1, 2.
Tennyson, Frederick, 1, 22 note.
Tennyson, Mary, 35.
Tennyson, Septimus, death of, 1 note.
Thackeray, W. M., his college squib on the prize poem of "Timbuctoo," 23 note; with Tennyson at Trinity, 32 note; on Tennyson's "Welcome to Alexandra," 118 note; his remark to Bayard Taylor on Tennyson, 165.
"Timbuctoo," Cambridge Prize Poem, 23-25, 27, 39, 49, 152.
Trench, Archbishop, on Charles Tennyson's Sonnets, 35 note; on Alfred Tennyson's Sonnets, 153 note.
"Tribute," The, 78, 79 note.
Twickenham, Tennyson's residence at, 102.

"Ulysses," 87, 98.

Venables, G. S., his Memoir of Henry Lushington, quoted, 109 note, 154 note.
Virgil, quoted, 145, 148.

Warren, Hon. J. Leicester, 11, 14, 48 note, 127 note, 200.
Watts, G. F., his two portraits of Tennyson, 158.
Wellington, Ode on the Death of, 113.
Wilson, Professor, 37, 200.
"Window, The, or the Loves of the Wrens," 138-42.
Woolner, Thomas, his bust of Tennyson, 157; his two medallions of the poet, 158, 160; with Tennyson at the Manchester Exhibition, 162.
Wordsworth, William, his opinion of Tennyson, 95; last days of, 110 note; as Poet Laureate, 111, 151; on the pleasure derived from rhyme, 152.

"Yorkshire Literary Annual," the, 40.