Page:Tensing Exercises.djvu/100

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St!I?eTHE SPALDING Merinis TRADE-MARK %Sf MsicMime Me Alike for the No. 600. The ideal boat for home^ use and training purposes. Brings the exercise usually obtained on river or lake into the home or bedroom. Fitted with roller seat and adjust- able shoes to fit either a tall or a short person. Thumb-nut arrangement controlling belt allows more or less friction to be thrown into the running parts, imitating the resistance which exists when forcing a row boat through the water. The resistance may be reduced for the weaker sex or increased to suit the .strongest athlete. Oars are pivoted in such a way that operator can handle and turn them same as he >vould during the return and feathering motion with a boat oar. Floor space required, 6x5 ft. Ea., TME ILAFILHH F^ICTEOM No. 119. The means used to pro- duce the resistance is a simple friction clutch, which takes instant hold at the commence- ment of the stroke and retains the pressure till its completion, when it instantly releases it, pre cisely as in a boat. Quickly taken apart without loosening any bolts or screws. Each machine is adjustable to any amount of friction or resistance Do not use oil on friction cyliider. If its, action is not perfectly smooth a little clear soap rubbed on its surface iviU properly correct its action. Floor space required, 4V> feet by 4'^ feet Complete, SPAlLOilMiG j^OWHMG ATTACMMIEBJTS, in connection with Chest Weight Machines, will be found particularly suitable for home use; can be detached from the weight machine quickly and put away in a very small space until the next opportunity for use presents Itself To be used in connection only with chest weights which have center arm adjustment, or with handles arranged so that they can be pulled from a bracket close to the floor. No 1 . This attachment, as will be noted, has out-riggers and arms similar to the rowing machine, and offers a great variety of work when used in connection with chest weight. Floor space required. 4 ft by 4'.i ft. Complete, No R. Designed to fill the demand for alow priced article of this kind, built along sub- stantial lines. Gives enhre satisfaction. Floor space required, 4% ft. by I 2 in. Com I PROMPT ATTENTION GIYEN TO I ANY COMMUNICATIONS I AODRESSED TO US A. G.SPALDING & BROS, STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPIETEUST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS loot Trica (n efcci July 5. 1913 .S»A,>r/ In rhnna. viitltoul tntiu. Fin Cmodlon pfictt itc tptciol Cotxulbm Catalogue