Page:Tensing Exercises.djvu/101

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sSbSe THE SPALDING TRADEMARK GUARANTEES nilAMTY SpaHdiiinig' Adl|^silablle ^aar'wmY Moirn^oinitlall Bar ^o. A. The bar itself is made of selected hickory, having steel tubular ends into which iron sockets screw, holding rubber cushions. The socket on one end contains a left hand thread, on the other end a right hand thread. By fitting the bar in the doorway and turning it with the hands the ends are made to expand, and the friction applied by the rubber against the sides of the door- way is sufficient to sustain the weight of a heavy man. This bar may be used for chinning exercises, being adjustable to any height, also for abdominal work, as shown by cuts in margin of this page. Size of doorway in which bar will be used must be stated when ordering, as the adjustment is not great enough to meet all requirements in one size bar This No. A Bar is supplied regularly to fit any doorway under 33 inches in width. Bars to fit wider doorways. Elxtra, 50c. Should not be used in doorways wider than 42 inches. If length larger than 42 inches is required, it would be advisable to use a regular horizontal bar. Various styles listed below. No. 101. TTie keys fastened to each end of bar fit in the side sockets, which are secured to door jamb and hold the bar firmly in place. The parts are of malleable iron, very light, yet strong enough to sustain the heaviest man.' The bar may be quickly removed when not in use, leaving no projecting part. Complete with parts. This No. 101 Bar is supplied regularly to fit any doorway under 37 inches. Bars to fit wider doorways. Extra, 50c. Should not be used in doorways wider than 42 in. If length larger than 42 in. is required, it would be advisable to use a regular horizontal bar. Various styles listed below. Extra sockets for doorway. Pair, 50c. With two pairs of sockets bar may be used for either chinning or abdominal exercises. Our and steel core hickory bars are superior to anything of the kind in the market, are almost exclusively used by professionals. The core is made of the finest tool steel. Every bar warranted. St©©l Cor© Bars Solid SiiicE®iP5^ Bars Made of selected second growth hickory. No. 1 16. 4 feet. No. 117. 4?^ feet. No. 118. 5 feet. No. 119. 5% feet. No. 120. 6 feet. No. 121. 6% feet No. 112. No. 113. No. 114. No. 115. % feet


6^2 feet


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l"^^*^"^ / -, |l If ill U .'^_ S^ ' iy ^^^1 PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO I ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSED TO US A. G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES )R COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS BGOi; L ■Prrcej in effect July 5, 1913. Subject to change without notice. For Canadian prices see special Canadian CalMsu