Page:Tenting on the plains.djvu/16

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CHAPTER XXII. Ordered Back to Fort Harker — A Drunken Escort — Wild-Flowers — Color without Odor — Game — Wild Horses — A Dromedary on the Plains — A Woman Pioneering — A Riddled Stage — Our Bed Running Away — Cholera — A Contrast — Reckoning Chances of Promotion — The Addled Mail-Carrier 656-675 CHAPTER XXni. The First Fight of the Seventh Cavalry — Reinforce- ments of Black Troops — A Negro's Manoeuvre — A Unique Official Report — Peculiar Fortifications — Indian Attack on a Stage — A Desperate Running Fight — A Plucky Woman — Cholera at Fort Wallace — Return of the Seventh There — Swindling Contract- ors — Desertions — An Ingenious Prison — Fort Wallace Attacked — A Brave and Skillful Sergeant — The Worst Days of the Seventh — No Letters — General Custer's March to Fort Harker for Supplies — A Day at Fort Riley — Happiness at Last 67C-702