Page:Tenting on the plains.djvu/17

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of Major-General George A. Custer Frontispiece. Maps of Texas in 1866 and in 1886 Page 26 Eliza Cooking Under Fire 43 Sabre Used by General Custer During the War 85 A Mule Lunching From a Pillow '23 General Custer as a Cadet • 37 Our Bunkies '71 Measuring an Alligator ^99 General Custer at the Close of the War (Aged 25) 265 "Stand There, Cowards, will you, and See an Old Man Robbed ? " -95 General Custer with his Horse "Vic," Stag-hounds and Deer-hounds 333 Maps of Kansas in 1866 and Kansas to-day 34^ Conestoga Wagon, or Prairie-schooner 35 1 The Officer's Dress — A New-comer for a Call 375 A Suspended Equestrienne 3^7 General Custer at His Desk in His Library 409 Gun-stand in General Custer's Library 45' Trophies of the Chase in General Custer's Library 467 Whipping Horses to Keep them from Freezing 497 "Well, You are a Warm-blooded Cuss ! " 5^3 Smoking The Pipe of Peace 557 A Buflfalo Undecided as to an Attack on General Custer 567 A Buffalo at Bay 573 A Match Buffalo Hunt 607 Gathering and Counting the Tongues 611 The Banquet 613 The Addled Letter-carrier 673 Negroes form their own Picket-line 679 An Attack on a Stage-coach 683 XUl