Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/336

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.N �rr,e.Filius. 9 But no fooner had his prefent Maief?v �ucceecl? necefirychange amongfi ?1s mim?ers, but war and de?ru?ion were denoune d again? fil Perfons, who fivour'd either the new fucce?on, or the new change: nothing was now to be &rd among tM Tories, but ?trmagant encomiums onthe Pretender, and his perjur'd adherents 3 and the moil virul?t re&ives a ainfi the Kin and his faithful g. _ . g fiiends.' All the w?t, and m?rth, and malice of the party was vented ia treafonab? lSels, longs, and lampoons upon the Government. As for the ?igs, the now- envied and hated ?hig?, as many as could ? difco- rer'd, were marked out for viaires to the revenge and fury of their adverfiries. If ever they air'd out of their colleges, it was not without danger, and hazard of their lives. In the ?reets, and all ?ublick places, they a'ere lure of being mohb'd and infulted by ?ho!� crowds of the gown'd and un- gown'd ra?le. In this condkion and temper was the univerfitv, when feveral Io) algentIemen of me? whom.captain ?homasand ?he re?'erend Mr. t ? deterve to be particularly memnon d)confidcrms that it was not lo?er poff?ble for the Whigs, tithe% with the fafety of fl?eir peffcns, or confidently with the? faith and afterion to his ma)eay, to con- verfe with the To,'ie6 agreed to ?brm ehemfe';x. es into a?ciety, which was to meet to ether once eve- . g ?y week, and to be calld the 0?' this roddy all perfops were to bq admitted who were well aad to hts Majeay king Geavge, and wer? ?ot below the degree o? a &t;helov ? arts in theuniverfity. Amongk other good effe6s which

he &blifl?mene of ffch a locitry was like to pro-

?uce, this in paaicular was chiefly intended ? to ?!tiva?e an intimacy and friendfl?ip between the Whigs, who by thi; means, would be more ca[?