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hand to right and make cipher with the ends of the thumb and fingers brought to a point. XXIII, 424.

31 to 40.—Make 3; jerk hand to the right and add the figures as above. For 40 make 4; then jerk to right and make cipher for "0."

41 to 50.—Make 4; then jerk hand to right and add figures as above. For 50 make 5 and then "0," the jerk always being part of the movement.

In 60, 70, 80, and 90 the figures 6, 7, 8, and 9 are first made and then simply jerked to the right, the cipher already being made by the end of the finger against the thumb. Some again draw the ends of the fingers together, but the above method is preferable as being the more correct.

In adding the figures to 6, 7, 8, and 9, the jerk should not be omitted, for unless it is done great confusion is experienced, the difference between 69 and 96, between 85 and 58, etc., not being clear.

For 100 make 1 and then "C;" for 200 and so on make the figures and add "C." Above these add the figures as made before. XXIII, 425.

For 1,000, 2,000, etc., make the prime figure, then strike the palm of the open left hand with the end of the right "M" or simply with the bent right hand. Above these add the figures as made before. XXIII, 426.

For 1,000,000, 2,000,000, etc., make the prime figure, then strike the left palm as in thousand but twice instead of only once. Billion is expressed by striking the palm three times; trillion, four times.

For the fractions, make the numerator, then, lowering the hand quickly, make the denominator. To add distinctness it may be advisable to draw the fractional line in the air with the finger.

For the ordinals make the usual figure sign, then give the hand a twisting jerk from the wrist, not moving the hand or arm from its position.

Arithmetic.—Hold the "V" hands pointing upward, the palms toward self; throw the right hand toward the left and the left toward the right so they meet and cross, the back of the right "V" passing against the palm of the left "V." Repeat the motion several times. This sign may also be used to mean to figure or calculate anything or estimate.