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Multiply.—Made the same as for "arithmetic," but the motion made but once instead of being repeated several times. XXII, 402.

Add.—Hold the left "&" hand pointing up and rather low; upon its end place the end of the right "&" hand pointing down; move both hands upward, lifting the right hand and striking it against the left several times as they rise. XXII, 403.

Subtract.—Holding the open left hand with palm toward self, strike the ends of the fingers of the right bent hand against its palm and drop the right hand down away from the left, as if taking something away from it. XXII, 404.

Divide.—(Long division). With the forefingers of the "G" hands trace in the air the two right angles placed at either side of the dividend. XXII, 405.

For short division, beginning with the end of the thumb of the left "L" hand trace the length of the thumb and forefinger with the end of the forefinger of the right "G" hand, thus indicating the right angle placed under the dividend.