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Jesus in this Mass is offering to Him for me.

Do not be content with saying this once only, but repeat it again and again; and be assured that in this way you will completely acquit yourself of this great debt.


4. In the fourth part, which is from the Communion to the end of the Mass, after having made a spiritual communion while the priest is communicating sacramentally, consider God to be within yon; open your heart, and ask Him for many graces, believing that Jesus then unites Himself with you, and prays for you: therefore, enlarge your heart, and do not ask for trifling things, but ask for great graces; for great is the offering which you make to God, namely, that of His Divine Son. Say, then, with a humble heart —

O my God, too well do I know how undeserving I am of Thy favours; I confess my exceeding unworthiness, and that for my many grievous sins I do not deserve to be heard by Thee. But how canst Thou refuse to listen to Thy Divine Son, who prays upon the Altar for me, and offers Thee His Blood and His Life? Hear, I beseech Thee, my most beloved God, the prayers of this my great Advocate, and for His sake grant me all the graces Thou knowest to be necessary for me to accomplish the great work of my eternal salvation.