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And now I take courage to ask of Thee a general pardon for all my sins, and the grace of final perseverance. Moreover, I beg of Thee, O my God, trusting in the prayers of my Jesus, all virtues in an heroic degree, and all those efficacious aids which I require to become a Saint. I also ask of Thee the conversion of all unbelievers, and of all sinners, and particularly of those who are related to me either by ties of kindred or by spiritual affinity. I ask of Thee the deliverance, not of one soul only, but of all the souls in Purgatory; bring them all forth, so that, by the efficacy of this Divine Sacrifice, that prison of purification may remain empty. Convert the souls of all the living, so that this miserable world may become for Thee a paradise of delight, where we may love, reverence, and praise Thee in time until we come to praise and bless Thee for all eternity.

Ask then, ask for yourself, for your children, friends, and relations, ask that all your wants, both spiritual and temporal, may be supplied. Ask also for the fulness of all blessings upon the Holy Church, and for its deliverance from all evils; and ask, not with lukewarmness, but with great confidence, and be